How does my city work?
Politics in Munich functions like a circular flow system. All organs are connected together and influence each other. Thus the Lord Mayor or the Lord Mayor Executive Committee of the Administration.
The administration and the district committees inform the city council and the city council decides which projects will be implemented. The city council
in turn, is controlled by the Lord Mayor.
Through their election, citizens influence the entire
process. They are making sure of the circulation.

How does my city work?
Politics in Munich functions like a circular flow system. All organs are connected together and influence each other. Thus the Lord Mayor or the Lord Mayor Executive Committee of the Administration.
The administration and the district committees inform the city council and the city council decides which projects will be implemented. The city council
in turn, is controlled by the Lord Mayor.
Through their election, citizens influence the entire
process. They are making sure of the circulation.
What does the administration think?
Where does Munich's budget go?
Are you curious? Then watch the other films and find out what else Munich politics is doing.
Organigram Munich
In the political circulatory system, citizens are the oxygen that breathes life into the entire system. Because they elect the various political bodies and thus give them the mandate to govern. These bodies, such as the Lord Mayor, City Council, District Committees and Administration, are closely linked. They work towards each other, discuss and check each other. For the system to work well, everyone involved has to throw the ball at each other, just like a well-rehearsed team. The playmakers are the citizens. And those who don't participate are missing on the pitch and leave the game to others.
How does a proposal work?
Many changes in Munich begin with a city council proposal. And it works like this: One can imagine a proposal as a gentle breeze, which grows stronger through arguments into a powerful wind of change. City councillors, for example, learn that there are too few cycle paths in Munich. So they make a proposal. This is then examined by the relevant departments and a proposal for a decision is drawn up by the relevant administration. This paper is called a resolution draft. They will be voted on in the city council and if everything goes well, there will soon be a new cycle path. Such proposals can be made on all sorts of topics and trigger real storms of change in Munich.